Sunday, October 08, 2006

Ça Plane Pour Moi

Track of the day Once (excerpt) - Nerve Engine.

public_toilet_wombourneWhat this illustration on the door of a gents' toilet is supposed to signify beats me. I think it's something to do with maypole dancing rather than pleasuring guys in wheelchairs.

Belgium was best known here in Bogsville as the birthplace of saxophone inventor Adolphe Sax, the home of of the Manneken Pis, the Atomium, expensive chocolates that occasionally appeared at Christmas and WW1 war graves but a 1970's pop song changed that.
I don't remember why Ça Plane Pour Moi by Plastique Bertrand got recorded on one of my reel to reel tapes but it did and it has stayed there, hidden away for the best part of 30 years. So for all you "kings of the divan" here's a chance to listen to most of it.
If you want to sing along or need a translation, here's a link.
Within a month, thanks to Renault, millions of people will be humming it again.

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Nerve Engine Gig Photo Gallery

