Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Struck Down By A Bug

Track of the day Once (excerpt) - Nerve Engine.

brolly_hookThis is a very useful peg that Milt spotted in a bar in Barcelona and he was reminded of it when he spotted a brolly perched on a similar peg in the Pig & Plonker bar right here in Bogsville. Milt wishes to announce that he's now got his own bit of very useful storage space on the web. He doesn't know what to do with it or how to organise it so it will probably just be used as a huge dumping ground for photographs and bits of tunes.
At least the picture on the left and the track at the top prove that he managed to get connected.

Struck down by a bug

Mrs B has always been a very healthy lady.
I'll rephrase that, she is usually a very healthy lady but today she has been struck down by some bug or other and has spent most of the day in bed.
I expect she will arrange to share her bugs with me. She's generous like that.
Come to think of it I'm not feeling too good at this very moment. I put it down to my cooking but it could be the bugs. I knew we were in for trouble when I spotted all those magpies.

logo_leeds_uk_heavy metal_rock_band_nerve engine.
