Thursday, September 28, 2006

Multiple Orgasms

Track of the day Phoenix (excerpt) - Nerve Engine.

I'm glad I don't live next door to the orgasmic lady I listened to on radio this morning. I doubt whether I'd ever get to sleep.
Luckily I'd already finished painting when I listened to her story about multiple orgasms after 20 years of marriage or I might well have fallen off the ladder.
What amused me most was the interviewer's reaction to the caller's story.
If you listen carefully to her news headline about organ transplants in China, you will notice that the caller's claim of two or three orgasms a session was still fixed firmly in her mind.
Mine too.

baby_buggyThis is not my attempt at cornering the baby blog market, it's a photograph I dug up the other day and I thought I'd use it as a Miltcard.
Happy Birthday younger Bogs.

Guaranteed two or three orgasms every time! Hell's bells! If that multi-orgasmic lady's husband would care to email me his tips on sexual technique I'll make sure that they are passed on to the members of the Bogsville Underachievers' Club immediately.
Which reminds me I've got to find another way to burn off energy now that the outdoor painting season has ended.
