Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I Spoke To A Man In India

Track of the day Phoenix (excerpt) - Nerve Engine.


The rhododendron in the front garden is in full bloom. The flowers aren't as big as they are in Spring but all the buds are opening. I guess that means it won't flower in Spring next year. Maybe I've Rip Van Winkled my way through Winter.
I spoke to a man in India today. I phoned the alarm company to book a routine inspection. They must have moved the call centre to Bombay or Calcutta. The guy on the other end of the phone was very polite and very keen to help but I couldn't understand a word of what he was saying.
I bet it's very expensive sending an engineer from India to check my alarm here in Bogsville and now I'm worried that if we have a break-in or a fire, the call will be routed to the Bombay police or fire brigade. I'm sure they're both very efficient, it's just that they are, well, distant.
For a change, I spent the afternoon at the top of a two section extending ladder that was leaning against the front of the house. You get a great view of the house wall from up there and vertigo. While I was up there I had a great desire to call the faithful to prayer. I get like that sometimes.
Tomorrow I'm taking a break from ladders and paint and I'm off to see my little Chinese dentist lady. I'm not sure why but I'm sure I'll think of something.

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