Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Digital Hearing Aid

Track of the day Phoenix (excerpt) - Nerve Engine.

bee-flyingYesterday someone rang the front door bell. I was amazed. Not because there was someone at the door but because I had actually heard the bell.
It was the postman.
He handed me a pile of letters and a package. I thanked him profusely. He seemed genuinely touched by my reaction.
He must have been pleased because he came again today and I guess he rang the bell.

I didn't hear it but I know it was the postman - he left a package on the step.

A digital hearing aid or two might solve the problem. The analogue aid I've got is useless. It just amplifies everything and that is painful.
Trouble is there's a two year waiting list round here for a digital hearing aid. They claim that it's because it takes 45 minutes to carry out a hearing test.
Well excuse me but there's a big difference between 45 minutes and two years!

Scots are careful with ...

She with ants in her pants phoned this evening. She has been on a conducted tour of the High School she attended forty odd years ago.
"Those tubular steel chairs with canvas seats in the assembly hall look just like the ones we sat on," she told the janitor.
"They should do. They are the chairs you sat on," he replied.

I suggest that this must be some kind of record in the education world.
Please don't think I'm accusing the Scots of being mean - they are just very careful with money. I wish that careful Gordon Brown would invest a little more money in digital hearing aids so that I can hear the front door bell.

logo_leeds_uk_heavy metal_rock_band_nerve engine.
