Saturday, September 02, 2006

Toni Iommi Plays Phoenix

Track of the day Phoenix (excerpt) - Nerve Engine.

public_wc_signThere are times when I wonder whether anyone else in the world has a bladder.

Public toilets used to be widely available round Bogsville but then the Council discovered that they were being used as meeting places. They discovered that cottaging in was a way of life for certain Bogsville boyos and immediately decided to close down the toilets to protect the boyos from their own vile weaknesses. It didn't work but it did deprive poor old boggers like me of a legal place to pee in public. As a result I have been reduced to peeing against the wall of police stations, behind garden hedges, against walls of every shape and colour, lamp posts, bus stops, parked cars etc. etc.

The above picture was taken for me by Mrs B during her latest northerly jaunt. The only problem is that 400 miles is a long way to go for a pee after a night out in Bogsville.

Toni Iommi Plays Phoenix

At the top of this entry is a link to a chunk of Phoenix by Nerve Engine. I'm not the only old rocker who likes the track. How do I know? Because it's being played tomorrow night on Black Sabbath guitarist, Toni Iommi's show at 7pm (UK time) on Planet Rock Radio.

You can find Planet Rock Radio on DAB digital radio in the UK, Sky Channel 0110, ntl:home channel 880 or Telewest channel 924.

I bet he's peed on a few police stations too.

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