Friday, August 25, 2006

Weddings And Funerals

Track of the day Phoenix (excerpt) - Nerve Engine.

A couple of days ago she with ants in her pants flew back into Bogsville and today she caught a train out again. She emailed me a link to a page of special offer flights to exotic places. I spent a couple of hours wondering if I should go and look up Mozart in Salzburg or Hitler in Berchtesgarten but found a page about a dog that needs a home.

Sadly I ended up doing nothing about anything. Eventually I wandered into the garden to cut the hedge but discovered it was raining. It's a hard life.

funeral_stripperMrs B has gone to a wedding. I seem to specialise in funerals.

I read that the Chinese have discovered a cunning way of increasing the number of mourners at a guy's funeral. They hire strippers to perform at the funeral and people appear from everywhere. The performance is accompanied by graphic descriptions of the dead guy's potency. It's a killer isn't it? Reuters link.

Taiwanese lottery winners apparently employ strippers to thank the gods for their good fortune. Strippers in church, what a great idea, guaranteed to increase the size of the congregation, well, the male members in the congregation anyway.

logo_leeds_uk_heavy metal_rock_band_nerve engine.
