Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Supersized Rats

Track of the day Phoenix (excerpt) - Nerve Engine.

rat-posterThere are supersized rats in the UK. I'm unreliably informed that I'm never further that twenty feet from a rat round here. Well I've searched all around Bogsville Heights, inside and out and have been unable to find even a scrawny ratlet, let alone a super sized rodent. They must have a lot next door.

The rats are apparently thriving on dropped take-away offerings. Seems that a regular diet of Big Macs, KFC Chicken Nuggets, cod and chips etc doesn't just supersize humans it supersizes rats too.

The Keep Britain Tidy group is now running an advert that stars long tailed furry rodents to inform the public about the dangers of dropping food waste in the streets. Just in case you are thinking of visiting the UK, I have posted a link to their cute rat video here. Typical! Right now the video doesn't seem to be playing in Firefox but it's working fine in Internet Explorer.

Come on Sir Cliff I'm only looking for a two week break in Barbados.

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