Sunday, September 10, 2006

Wiggle It Round A Bit

Track of the day Love's Made A fool Of You - Buddy Holly.

phone_gifI don't like telephones. I don't hear them ring and can't make out what people on the other end are saying.
Today I carried the phone round with me all day because I was expecting a call. It didn't ring until the one day cricket Test between England and Pakistan was coming to an end. It was Mrs B announcing the soccer results. That wasn't good because I was planning to watch the soccer after the cricket finished. I'd been recording the game and the result was the last thing I wanted to hear before I watched it.
I must have said the wrong thing because she rang off. I'd only been carrying the bloody phone round since 10:30am so that I'd hear it ring.
I made my evening meal and had just got it on the plate when the phone rang again. It was elder son ringing from somewhere in London. He always rings when he is walking in crowds or standing on a station platform with trains roaring past.
End result was that I could only make out every third word. It sounded to me like he was being attacked by a gang wielding chainsaws. We agreed to speak again sometime.
I discovered a message on the phone yesterday from the woman whose garden I'm supposed to be watering. She informed me that the lock on the gate has been changed and our key doesn't fit.
I went off to find the right key. I couldn't get that to work either. The bit of the message that appealed to me was, "When you get it in, you have to wiggle it round a bit."
Lady I assure you I would have wiggled it round for hours but I just couldn't get it in. Story of my life.

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