Saturday, September 16, 2006

A Bird Of Prey

Track of the day Walking on the Moon - Police.

ape_patrioticI spotted a bird of prey yesterday. It was big. It was very high up and still looked very big. We don't have big birds of prey round here just the occasional kestrel. My instinct told me it must be a buzzard because I've seen buzzards and I know what they look like but we don't have buzzards round here.
Whatever it was it was seriously big, bigger than any buzzard I've seen. It was flying east.
I ran to get my camera hoping that it would fly back and make my fortune but it didn't.
I couldn't see any markings, it was too high. It just looked brown, had a huge wingspan and the tail was fan shaped and stumpy. The wing beats were very slow.
It looked like this and that is ridiculous because 'this' is a white backed vulture and we don't have vultures in Bogsville.
But this morning I spotted this page on the BBC news site.
That's only 30 miles away as an African White-backed Vulture flies.

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