Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Up A Ladder With A Hypodermic Syringe

Track of the day Phoenix (excerpt) - Nerve Engine.

holiday_image_jpg"I've spent the last two days painting."
"Oils, acrylics or water colours Milt?"
"No - window frames. Top coat tomorrow if it doesn't rain and I don't fall off the ladder.

It all started when I decided to climb up the ladder to scrub some bleach into a dark stain that had appeared on the rendering by an upstairs window. While I was up there I noticed a large hole in the window sill where there used to be wood.
The next three hours were spent cutting out wet rot and injecting wood hardener into what was left of the sill. Standing at the top of a ladder with a small hypodermic syringe full of wood hardener seemed like a good idea but it wasn't. The wood hardener set inside the syringe and I couldn't press the plunger.
The syringe wasn't big enough and 'Wiggy', our friendly but humourless pharmacist wasn't convinced by my story when I went in to beg a bigger one, even when I told him I didn't want a needle with it.
I've been expecting a visit from the local drug squad all day but I expect they're too busy chasing blind Iraqi drivers to bother about me giving my window sills a fix.
Anyway I decided to paint the sills after I'd filled them. Why stop there? Paint the bloody window frames too. So that's why I can't move my fingers and have pains in my shoulders, legs and feet.
The window cleaner came today, took one look at what I was doing and said, "I'll come back next month."
A month might not be long enough.

The stain on the rendering? It's still there.

logo_leeds_uk_heavy metal_rock_band_nerve engine.
