Monday, September 18, 2006

The Girl On The Check-Out

Track of the day Phoenix (excerpt) - Nerve Engine.

diy_churchThe local branch of Homebase has sprouted a spire. I noticed it this morning when I made my regular 11.30am pilgrimage. I offered up a silent prayer that there would be gallons of wood hardener fluid and yea, verily my prayer was answered - all was well, a new batch of cans beamed down at me from the shelves. Yet another miracle.
The girl on the check-out smiled at me and said, "Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy a new window?"
DIY's definitely the in thing, even the local Methodists have a sign outside that reads 'carpenter needs joiners'.
Maybe that's where the joiner who was supposed to be fixing our window disappeared to. A job for 'The Carpenter' looks better on your c.v. than a job for Milt Bogs, which is why I'm up and down the damn ladders all day.

logo_leeds_uk_heavy metal_rock_band_nerve engine.
