Friday, October 06, 2006

Milt Goes To Tipton

Track of the day Once (excerpt) - Nerve Engine.

fountain_inn_tipton_slasherToday I went off to investigate whether Jack Straw's words have sparked the wholesale adoption of the niqab and burqa.
I set off for Tipton, home of the Tipton Three, the so called Tipton Taliban. I was through it and out the other side before I realised I'd even got there.

Did I see women peering through a niqab? No I didn't.
I did see an interesting pub where the Tipton Slasher had his headquarters, a few betting shops, a level crossing, a train, a pile of rubbish in a canal and yes, a woman with a head scarf walking over a canal bridge.
I also got very wet.
I bet that if Jack Straw had turned up...
As Jack Straw wasn't there, the only place I have seen Muslim women wearing the niqab or the burqa is on television.
That isn't because I live in a secluded rural area of Britain. Not by any stretch of the imagination could you call Bogsville rural. I have seen Muslim women wearing a headdress like a nun's wimple but never the full niqab or burqa.
I can only assume that the women Jack Straw meets have a political or religious point to make, whereas the women I meet don't.

You can see Milt's Tipton Pictures here.

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