Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sue The Boggers

Track of the day Nice Work If You Can Get It - Bud Powell Trio.

old_farts_shopThe new anti age discrimination law is great news for hard up old farts. To make a quick buck just apply for a few well paid jobs but make sure you write two identical letters of application for each one.
In one letter give your real age but in the second letter give it as 29.
When you only get invites to interview from the '29' letters, you have proof positive of age discrimination and can sue the boggers for every penny they have.

If that fails to set you up for the rest of your life, have a go at Stoozing.
No, it didn't mean anything to me either until I googled it.
Stoozing is using introductory interest free periods offered by credit card companies to borrow money that you then invest for profit. Sounds good to me.
Get an interest free loan on your credit card, pay it into a high interest account, then use another card's interest free loan to pay off the loan on the first card. Interest on someone else's money. About time the consumer played the credit card companies and Banks etc at their own game. Read all about it - Stoozing.

logo_leeds_uk_heavy metal_rock_band_nerve engine.
