Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Breadmaker Stopped Working

Track of the day Willow Weep For Me - Buddy de Franco.

sunflowers_for sale

Yesterday the breadmaking machine decided to stop working. All it wanted to do was beep a warning message at me. I phoned the manufacturers' help line and they took all the details and then pointed out that the machine was out of its two year warranty period and they wouldn't replace it. I thought I'd only had it 18 months but I was wrong.
Added to that I lost another contact lens, that's two in a week. I knew spotting those thirteen magpies last Sunday meant trouble.
This week we've had Mrs B. ill and in bed for two days, a broken breadmaker, two lost contact lenses and rain. And Jack Straw thinks he's got problems!

Today, things are looking up. I have an offer of a heavily discounted new breadmaker from the manufacturers, Mrs B. is up and gardening, the optician has replaced my lost contact lenses and the sun has reappeared. If only my little Chinese dentist would sort out my bottom front teeth so I can eat and play my saxophone again everything would be perfect.

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