Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Pick Up Points

pickuppointI heard about a new service being offered by my local supermarket. I got there round about lunchtime and despite torrential rain, have to report that the service worked brilliantly.

Within 5 minutes I had offers from a blonde, two brunettes and a seedy looking guy who had somehow got the wrong idea altogether. There were no redheads at all.

I would like to point out to the management that the 15 minute maximum stay time needs to be increased to 45 minutes.

Some of us don't move as quickly as we used to.

15 minutes only

History Lesson

Why should we old boggers let the young boggers think they invented sex when it's patently obvious that we invented it way back in 1953?

See you at the pick up point on Thursday Funky Butt. XXX

ps It's a pity you don't like jazz.

