Monday, October 24, 2005

Alan Skidmore

alanskidmoreLast night I ended up in a jazz bar listening to Alan Skidmore.

At the end of the second number he turned to me, held his saxophone out and asked if I wanted to have a go. I thought he wanted me to hold the saxophone while he went for a pee.

I bottled it (that's the having a go, not the pee) and left him to get on with his own playing which is probably just as well for all concerned. I suspect that he uses a reed that is so hard that I wouldn't have got a sound out of it. It was a nice thought though and I've no doubt the story will get embellished at some stage in the future.

Keep music and old boggers Live!

Franz Ferdinand

franzferdinandThe Sunday morning paper came with a Franz Ferdinand cd. I took it out of the sleeve, slipped it into the computer drive whereupon said cd promptly exploded.

Two hours of opening up the computer and dismantling the cd drive later, I'd retrieved the shattered chunks and just about got the computer operational again. The newspaper will be receiving an email thanking them for the experience. It couldn't happen to anyone else.

