Friday, October 14, 2005

Prosthetic Testicles

prostheticnutsProsthetic testicles for neutered dogs, cats, horses and bulls sounds like a great idea to me. I've noticed for some time that Dog hasn't got as much woof as he used to have. I thought it was because he was old and arthritic but now I realize that it's because he's nutless.

Thanks to Gregg Miller, inventor of Neuticles, all that can be a thing of the past.

If you go for the Ultraplus model "not gel filled or saline filled- but feels almost liquid"; not only will your dog have the swingiest nuts on the block but they'll still feel like the real thing. At this point the mind boggles.

To hell with Dog's missing nuts. I'm going to get me a set of those "Equine & Bulls Naturals (Solid Silicone, Natural Soft)". I think I'll go for the NN-EBL length 5.75" at $399 each. Then I'll stagger bowlegged, poor but proud into the local bar, rest them on a stool and wait.

Load of old balls

Guy's been drinking in a bar, getting really maudlin, dwelling on the fact that he's only got half the usual male quota. After a couple of hours he turns to the guy on his right and sobs,
"Did you know that between the two of us we've only got three balls?"
Guy on the right looks at him in amazement and squeaks,
"Jeez! You've got a lot!"

More for dog lovers

dogcondomDog condoms for the careful pug that wants to avoid poochie pregnancies.

Trouble is that the dog can't manage to put them on - no thumbs. That's right - you've got to roll it on for him. Seems like a good idea for all you dog nut feelers out there. Mind you if he's just had the prosthetic testicles installed - what's the point?

