Monday, October 10, 2005

Handcuffs Yes Knots No

"It is with deep sadness that I have to announce that Milt has had to come to terms with the harsh realities of life and accept the fact that he'll never get to be a cowboy. He's just useless at poker. He's got to rearrange an appointment at the glaucoma clinic and pay a visit to Duane the mad barber and then there are the lawns to cut and a couple of hedges to hack and some windows in dire need of painting before the Winter sets in. The poor man is an incorrigible old fart who suffers from delusions of endless youth."
Miss Roseberry

Message from Milt

pokerDon't believe a word of that woman's claptrap. The fitness sessions with Miss Roseberry have been going from bad to worse. Her latest training routine involved poker. I made the mistake of mentioning that I had some skill in that department. Suffice it to say that on that occasion I may have been embroidering the truth just a little. Truth is I was lying. I can now see that the woman is a positive danger to my health. As far as I'm concerned enough is enough and I'm going to have to trade her in for a more reliable model so if you're still out there Mel. The only problem is that Miss Roseberry is a very powerful woman and unlike the aforementioned Mel never seems to have knots anywhere. Handcuffs yes knots no.

Privates On Parade

Ever wondered what they wear under the kilt? The answer is to the Queen's immediate right.

medals on view

The guy should get a medal for that!
