Friday, October 13, 2006

A Perfect Day?

Track of the day Perfect Day - Lou Reed.

gasmaskThis is anything but a perfect day because the first research results are coming out of Scotland following the smoking ban in pubs and bars and everywhere else. Guess what? Asthmatic bar staff are healthier whereas bar staff who are smokers are still - well smokers I suppose.
'Asthmatic bar workers also had less airway inflammation and an increase in quality of life scores'.
No mention in the report of the foul methane these poor people are inhaling, produced by the customers swamping their bellies with all that lousy beer.

I'm joking of course because humans don't produce significant quantities of methane. Correction, they do produce methane but are too polite to admit it.
No, the major methane culprits in the UK are apparently the two million cows that produce 500 litres of methane a day, each. That's a lot of methane. Methane is a far greater cause of global warming than carbon dioxide so the answer to our global warming problems is to find a way to stop cows farting.
Why stop at cows? We should all put our own digestive systems in order before we ask the cows to solve our problems for us and then fewer people would have to wear a gas-mask.

Which reminds me for some reason of the story about the Danish farmer who found one of his prize cows suffering from an unbelievably bloated stomach.
He took the cow into a barn and inserted a hollow brass rod deep into the animal's rectum, hoping to rectify the situation.
The technique worked fine and as the methane rushed out, he struck a match to burn it off.
The ensuing jet of flame destroyed his barn.
Urban myth? Hooey!
I remember reading the original news report right here in the Bogsville Gazette. Most urban dwellers wouldn't know a cow from a bottle of milk anyway. I was once asked what the brown thing in a field was. As far as the guy asking the question was concerned, all cows were black and white, like the one in his school reading sheet.

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