Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Terribly UnBritish

Track of the day - All Over Bar The Shouting - Prince Edward Island.

I've never been able to see the point of banning people from driving when they don't have a driving licence, but it happens in courts all over Britain every day.

Today however the full weight of the British legal system caught up with thirty five year old Jamie Manderson from Swindon.
Manderson's first driving ban was imposed in 1988 when he was 15 years old. It didn't do the job because he has since accumulated a further 50 disqualifications, making a grand total of 51 driving bans in nineteen years.
He has never had a driving licence, presumably because he's always been banned.

At his latest court appearance, following an arrest last Saturday, he pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified and driving without insurance. The court awarded him a further five year ban. This time the court in its infinite wisdom also jailed him for 24 weeks and added to that a further 8 weeks from a previously imposed suspended sentence, making a grand total of - 32 weeks.
Anyone who thinks that that'll cure him deserves to be locked up with him.
Amputation of both feet might fix him but it would be terribly unBritish.
32 weeks - just enough time to learn how to clone credit cards if he doesn't get out early.
