Friday, April 18, 2008

Mentally Exhausted

Track of the day - Partlife - Prince Edward Island.


Yesterday I was fitted with a pair of digital hearing aids. It was an ear opening experience.

Over the last ten or twenty years I've got used to sound being a jumbled background noise, something I tuned into to mask the constant hissing inside my head. I tried and usually failed to make sense of what people around me were saying. In the end I gave up making the effort and just drifted off into my own little muffled world.

Yesterday when the guy finally switched on the aids I knew that something major was different and it was pretty scary. I was suddenly aware of people talking in the corridor outside the fitting room, the soles of my shoes scraping on the floor, chairs creaking, the second hand moving on a wall clock and my stomach rumbling. My brain went into overdrive, trying to make sense of it all. The difference is staggering and I'm not sure that the experience is altogether welcome. By the end of the day I was mentally exhausted.

In my new auditory world there are sudden, unexpected sounds everywhere and they are overtaxing my brain. I may decide that the effort isn't worth it and go back inside my own little muffled world where I feel safe.

