Friday, February 22, 2008

The good News Is

Track of the day - Partlife - Prince Edward Island.

frogA very friendly little guy tested my hearing this afternoon.
The good news is that my hearing in both ears is almost normal.
The bad news is 'almost normal' means 30% below normal for sounds round about the 250hz range. By 500hz I'm operating at 50% below normal and that reduces to 70% below normal everywhere else.
70% below normal! No wonder I can't hear the front door bell or the phone. I'm surprised I can hear anything.

Anyway the friendly little testing guy made impressions of both my ears in preparation for two digital hearing aids and wants me to see an ear nose and throat specialist.
I am now feeling even more miserable than I was after my trip to the Hole in the Ground bar.

Meanwhile the frogs and toads in the pond are croaking out their Spring mating calls. I can hear them so they must be croaking at somewhere round the 250hz mark.

