Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Pint Or Two Before Bed

Track of the day - Partlife - Prince Edward Island.

cybeleIt may be a sign that Spring will soon be with us or it might be that I'm feverish but this picture reminds me of some strange dreams I've been having recently.
You see I've spent the last two days feeling off colour, under the weather, one degree under and liverish.
I have no one to blame for this sorry state of affairs but myself.
I really should have known better than to trot along to the Hole in the Ground bar for a pint or two before bed. But as I've only been in the damn place about five times in the last twelve months I felt a sudden urge to support local endeavour.
Should have been safe enough. The last disaster of an absentee manager departed to add much needed umph and zing to the social life of some unsuspecting part of the USA, so I thought it would ok to venture out or in again, if you see what I mean.
Much to my horror I soon discovered that the old absentee manager has been replaced by a much younger, but just as invisible, manager.
Invisibility seems to be a key requisite for unsuccessful bar management in Bogsville. I expect the same is true everywhere.
Unfortunately, while the manager relaxes invisibly but bed creakingly audibly upstairs, legions of microscopic bugs gather invisible but deadly in the downstairs beer pipes.
After consuming almost two pints of his lager, I couldn't finish the second pint, I woke on Wednesday morning feeling decidedly out of sorts.
That evening as I sat in front of the computer screen with my head between my knees, feeling cold, clammy and hoping that I would see out the night without ringing for an ambulance, I decided that if I ever visited the Hole in the Ground again I would order bottled beer.
Unlike most bottled beer drinkers I won't be drinking out of the bottle. Knowing my luck I'd get the one that the rat had just peed on.
On the wall in the bar was a freshly printed notice.
It read -
"Would you rather stay at home and drink or have a pint of our real lager?"
From now on I'll stay at home and drink coffee. I can do without the salmonella bugs they dish up with the real lager. Mind you the dreams were interesting.

