Monday, April 21, 2008

Credit Card Statement

Track of the day - All Over Bar The Shouting - Prince Edward Island.

Last week I paid the London Borough of Southwark £350. In actual fact I made two payments to them, one for £200 on the 10th April and one for £150 on the 15th April. I know this because my latest credit card statement arrived this morning and told me so.
What I don't know is what services I paid Southwark Council for because I haven't been within 150 miles of Southwark this year and I certainly haven't been sending them money out of the goodness of my heart.

Yes, I have fallen victim to credit card fraud or whatever it's called. My card has probably paid to get someone's car unclamped. According to the credit card company's fraud department, it has also been used by someone to purchase a cover for a Tempur Memory Foam mattress and a load of wonderful herbals from a health shop.
Sounds like an amateur to me. I mean to say £16.93 for a mattress cover! Could have been a lot worse. Could have been a Tempur mattress.
If you recognise the items and paid for them with my card, drop me a line. I'd like to try out the mattress.
