Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Playboy Mags & Decoration

Track of the day Once - Nerve Engine.

I know just how you feel lady. Yesterday I had problems with slow drying gloss paint so first thing this morning I went to the Do It Yourself store for a tin of quick-dry gloss.

And guess what. That quick-dry dries so quick you can see all the brush marks and if the finish is gloss then my name's David Beckham. It's enough to make you throw up! I'm now going to wait for a hot, dry, windless day and stick to the, 'dries in 16 hours', oil-based gloss.

The woman at the cash desk took my money, smiled and said, "Off you go now. You'll have it finished in an hour." She was joking of course.

I have a thing about DIY. I once bought a Playboy magazine and a DIY mag from a railway station newspaper kiosk. The woman there smiled at me knowingly and said, "Kind of appropriate combination if you don't mind me saying so." That lady was wasted working in a newspaper kiosk.

I meant to get some hooks and chain for a hanging bird table I've started to make. Somehow I forgot all about the hooks and chain and bought 10 litres of matt emulsion paint instead. No, I know I don't need 10 litres for the bird table but I saw the paint and decided to paint the hall, stairs and landing. Some people will do anything to escape from that 24hr soccer coverage.

She with ants in her pants is flying off tomorrow for a few days which proves that Bogsville ladies are not for decoration either. I expect it will all be finished by the time she gets back. Either that or I'll have fallen off the ladder. Too much DIY can make you very unsteady on your feet.

If that Hooters lady at the front wants to make herself useful, I'm getting fed up with DIY.

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