Sunday, June 25, 2006


Speech of the day Togevver - David Beckham.

patriotism_fork lift truckHardly on a par with Henry V before Agincourt but as far as the England soccer team is concerned these stirring words are about as good as it gets.

Whatevver the result, whatever the wevver conditions, wevver England win or lose, I'm sure that some fans will be demonstratin' their togevverness on the streets of Stuttgart and other German cities.

Meanwhile German supporters celebrated their team's victory over Sweden and a Swedish fan tried to spot the slice of bratwurst that he dropped when Germany scored their second goal.

70 litres

beckham_vomitThe England players consumed 70 litres of fluids during their abysmal performance against Ecuador. If the wevver was so hot why weren't their shirts stuck to them with 70 litres of honest sweat?

The only damp patches on the front of Beckham's shirt came from the vomit he left on the Stuttgart pitch. As far as I could see he expended more energy applauding the crowd at the end of the game than during the whole of the 87 minutes that he was on the pitch. Time to put the poor bogger out to stud.

