Thursday, March 16, 2006

Three Steps To Heaven

Track of the day Three Steps To Heaven - Eddie Cochran.

tombstoneI got very close to visiting Heaven when I was a kid.
The number 9 bus went straight past it and if you were sitting upstairs you could see over the wall and right inside. I remember that it was always sunny in there, the grass was green and there were a lot of bright flowers. It looked like a nice place for Grandpa to be and if we got off the bus right outside, just a few steps and we'd be in Heaven.
I'd got it all planned out and everything was fine until I announced that I wanted to go and see him.
"You can't go and see him. He's in Heaven," said Grandma.
"I know. The number 9 bus goes right past it," I told her.
"Don't be silly. You say the stupidest things sometimes." I got the distinct impression that she wasn't too pleased.
I tried to explain. I knew that Grandpa was buried behind the big wall on the number 9 bus route and that if he was in Heaven then Heaven must be the place behind the wall. It all seemed obvious to me. It wasn't obvious to Grandma.
Eventually she laughed thinking that that made everything ok but it didn't. I wasn't happy being told that I was stupid. I might only have been three but I knew that Grandpa was dead. I knew that he was buried somewhere in the grass behind the big wall and I knew that the number 9 bus went past it every day. Seemed pretty stupid to me to say that Heaven wasn't behind the big wall.
I don't think I ever met Grandpa and I certainly never got taken to visit him behind the wall. I might just go and have a wander round there one of these days to see if I can find him. It would be nice to say hello.

Just in case anyone's interested I've picked my spot and it isn't Heaven. It's in a shop window just round the corner from here in Bogsville. That way I'll be able to watch the people going by on their way to the Hole in the Ground bar. Poor suckers!
