Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Clean Windows & Pearly Gates

Track of the day Rock this Town - Brian Setzer.

windowcleanerThe little guy walked round the side of the house carrying a ladder.

Burglar, I thought and went for him. After a lengthy exchange, it became clear that he had arranged with Mrs B. to come and clean the windows. Either she had decided not to tell me or I had forgotten. At any rate he left and never came back.

That was at least five years ago and during the intervening period I have got used to living in perpetual gloom. This afternoon that all changed. A much larger man came and scraped off most of the generations of grime. I say most of because he couldn't get to two of the windows. He says I'll have to prune the holly bush. Perhaps Mrs B. can find a man who prunes holly.

The trouble with windows that are clean on the outside is that they show up the dirt on the inside.

National Disgrace

  1. UK victims of terrorism attacks on foreign soil are not eligible for compensation or financial assistance with their medical bills. They are advised to "Sue the perpetrators" of the attack.
  2. T.A. soldiers who have been injured in Iraq are sent home to join NHS waiting lists to get treatment for their injuries.
Great job Tony Blair. For your sake I hope the Pearly Gates doorman wasn't watching TV last night.
