Monday, March 06, 2006

Pints & Pins

Track of the day Cold Sweat - James Brown.

arnoBy the time the computer was sorted yesterday, I was in need of a night out. Classy surroundings, classy women and good drink. So I decided to give up on giving up drinking and headed for the bright lights of Bogsville.

There's nothing like a good night out. Unfortunately, last night's trip to the Hole in the Ground was nothing like a good night out. The company was fine except that there was a distinct lack of classy women. There was a distinct lack of women full stop. The beer was bad and refused to come to bed with me so I left it in the bathroom. Drinking pints of beer in Bogsville bars is a bit like drinking pints of vinegar except that vinegar has medicinal qualities.

I hear that in China they carry out major surgery using acupuncture as an anaesthetic. I'm not sure what surgery this guy is waiting for. A lobotomy perchance.

