Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Bleeding Emergency

Dog has not been well. He chose 8.00pm Sunday evening, when the vet's is closed, to start bleeding heavily from his mouth.

Loaded him into the car and rushed him to the nearest dog emergency unit where they sedated him to slow his pulse rate. That stopped the bleeding.

Monday he was transferred to the local vet who was going to send him home until he noticed that dog was producing black stools. He immediately diagnosed a stomach ulcer.

I pointed out that the emergency vet assured me the bleed was from the gum round the left lower canine, that Dog had been swallowing copious amounts of his own blood, had been eating heartily before the bleed developed and had left perfectly normal coloured stools all over the emergency vet's table when I took him in on Sunday.

I don't think the vet was listening.

back home again

Dog is back home today and fast asleep. He has pills for this and pills for that and doesn't seem any the worse for his experience. I have explained to him that in future he should arrange to be ill Monday - Friday 9.00am to 6.30pm.

I don't think he was listening.


Zazzafooky has a good piece on phone sex. I enjoyed reading it and have now decided to set up one of those lines here in Bogsville. I know a few guys who would subscribe and make me a fortune.

Had to research one of the words in the piece though. Have to admit "fluffer" left me for dead. One of the drawbacks of living in Bogsville or Skunksville as someone renamed it the other day.

I now know all about fluffing so go here to share my knowledge. Can't imagine how an "off-stage person hired to keep a male porn star ready to unleash the beast" would use that.

Most of the fluff round here seems to end up in my belly button.

