Thursday, June 02, 2005

Whilin’ Weedin’ And Organizin’

Wish I could say I've been busier than a one-legged man in an uphill bike race but my brain’s deader than a Paris pissoir on a girls-only night out.

Mrs B has trekked to the frozen North to visit her Pa again so it’s just me and what’s left of Dog tapping our feet and whilin’ away - when I’m not pulling out these weeds she left.


Enough of this whilin’ I’m off to set up my next educational moneyspinner, a Course On Boys’ Behavioural, Learning and Emotional Response Statistics - really got to get some acronym helpers.

If we keep on setting up these courses me and Dog are going to be richer than a bowl of fudge sauce and happier than a wrestler in a freshly starched jockstrap.

Double Ovens

Another miracle of modern technology. You fire the oven up and put the pie in for 20 minutes on gas number 6. You cook the french fries and serve it all up on a plate. Another miracle?

Well no - it’s another disaster because the pie went in the wrong damn oven and it was still stone cold.

Start over. What could be easier? 25 minutes later the french fries had gone and the pie looked like it had been wrapped in charcoal. Oh well - undercooked it was not.

As from today me and Dog are organizing a short course on Double Oven Lighting Techniques - organizers to sample the end product. If it’d stop raining I’d cook outdoors.

