Sunday, May 29, 2005

Milt On The Paris Hilton Bun

How much meat is there currently in the Paris Hilton Bun? As a keen smut surfer I googled over and discovered that it's not just meat in there. The meat's pretty well unrecogniseable by the time it gets into the Paris Hilton bun but there's plenty of it - 1/2-pound of 100-percent charbroiled Angus beef patty.

That Paris Hilton woman sure has big feet and someone must have a Bentley with a pretty dimply roof. Take a look for yourself and see her Bentley washing technique exposed for what it is - abysmal. The water company should impose a hosepipe ban on her.


What's that under the charbroiled beef patty? If those are lips I'm cancelling Tuesday's collagen session.

