Friday, June 03, 2005

Milt's Motorized Grinder & Trainer Vacancy

The Double Oven Lighting Course was a success and - hot dog! - I've now mastered sausage. Mind you if I carry on like this I'll soon be passing pure cholesterol.

Dog Huntin'


Dog got fed up with sittin' and whilin' and waitin' on the sausage and wandered off out the front door and down the road apiece. He was gone half an hour before I noticed he wasn't there. Mind you he moves so slow these days, what with his arthritis, his blindness and his hearing deficit that it only took a couple of minutes to catch up with him. I guess he thought he was huntin'. I didn't like to put him straight on that so I just gave him a biscuit and brought him home.

It's like me and the guys when we're down the local Bogsville bar - the huntin' bit I mean - well it's like me I guess. Mind you I had my chance back in October before they locked her away again and doubled up on her pill ration or lobotomized her.

I've found some notes on how to motorize my grinder so just as soon as I get the parts, I'll be off huntin' and a trappin' not just sittin' and a whilin'.

Trainer Vacancy

Hit a problem with the Bogsville Courses today - Merl and Raul say they have too much work on at the moment to help out with the tutoring so I've got to find us a couple of experienced Trainers in Information Technology Skills. Anyone know where I can get my hands on a couple of those?

Just drop me a line at Milt Bogs PM, ICQ, AIM, YIM, MSNM. The Bogsville online degree of your choice courses sure helped me come up with some impressive qualifications (no skills needed - just cold cash).

