Sunday, June 05, 2005

Rescuing Maidens Poach Salmon & Ping It

Decided to give rescuing maidens a miss today. You can't do a good maiden rescuing job when you're not feeling your best. Must be something I ate. Can't think of anything else that could have caused it.

I've been forced to pass the time playing with my singing magnets. You just toss them into the air and listen to them sing. I guess they also sing if someone tosses them for you.

singing magnets

Culinary delights

I was going to try poached salmon today but I don't have a dishwashing machine. Not sure if you can make it in a tumble-dryer but the way I feel today I'm not convinced I could make it anywhere. If you feel up to it and want to give it a go - here's the recipe.

Ping it and Link

I can't read black text on a red background. As far as my eyes are concerned a red page with black text on it is just a blank red page. I found a page where all I could see were three white words - "Ping it" and "Link" - I must have sat there for half an hour trying to guess what the page was about.

I may post a blank page myself. I would of course include "Ping it" and "Link" just to see what happens.

There's a problem with Blogger comments. Any comment that's added, throws the validation for that page. A line return in the comment shows up as <B/> and that generates the error in W3C. I've looked at the template but can't see where the default is set for a line return. Any ideas out there?

