Sunday, November 21, 2004

Dog Days in Bogsville


Really didn't feel like posting yesterday.

I just got back from sitting in a huge cage with dog who is pretty doped up on morphine still. Mind you he seems comfortable enough and the Vet assures me that he isn't in pain. I suppose that's because he's sharing the morphine trip with dog. I don't really care whether the Vet's in pain or not - it's dog I'm interested in.

He got up and walked about before they popped him the morphine at 11 this morning. Needless to say he was high as a kite, his tongue poking out, when we got to see him.

The Vet said the wound was healing well and said he didn't see why we shouldn't look after him at home. I don't think so old chap. Tomorrow, all being well, he's going back to where they did the operation and we'll see what they say.

I was thinking of buying a Porsche but now it looks like I'll have to make do with paying the veterinary bills instead.

Dog's more fun than a Porsche.

The New Addiction.

Thank God I can't read the bloody messages or hear the ping when one comes in - I'll just stick to tobacco and be overtly antisocial.

Look what you can get for about $3 a year in UK.

"C.A.T.S. is the world's first national emergency SMS text alert system and was launched in London last year."

I'm glad I live in Bogsville. Can you imagine the scene "Ping - Homicidal maniac on the loose - do not leave your home!" Or "Toxic chemical alert - Milt Bogs has just lit up in sector 3".

I suggest they issue all old Boggers with mobile phones so that they can actually get this visionary service. Nice name though CATS - old Boggers like cats.

Hibernate with your mobile! See you in Spring.
