Sunday, March 04, 2007

Lunar Eclipse

Track of the day - Moonlight Shadow - Mike Oldfield.

lunar eclipse_2007We stood outside last night and watched the lunar eclipse.
Next time there's a lunar eclipse we'll go out into the countryside where the lights from the city and the main roads don't mess everything up.
You'll have noticed that we have four moons here in Bogsville. I'm not sure why that is but it helps to fill space on the page.

A page that I, for some inexplicable reason, still can't see here in Bogsville Heights.
I contacted Virgin Media and they indignantly denied that they are blocking pages.
The fact remains that I can't access them, not even the Blogger Known Issues page.
I know that there are other people having the same problem so it isn't just me and some people have been kind enough to leave comments so I know that the page is working.

Unlike the rest of the World I remain permanently in the dark and unable to call in on anyone else's blogspot hosted pages.

