Saturday, March 03, 2007

Blogspot Addresses Disappear From UK Screens

Track of the day - Catch the Wind - Cat Stevens.

It's been a bad week in Bogsville one way or another.
First I was under attack by thousands of returned, undeliverable spam emails thanks to some prat of a spammer who decided to use my catchall address as a return mail address.
Thousands of bloody spam mails went out to people and companies protected by anti-spam software set up to bounce spam emails.
End result?
They got one email and I was deluged by thousands.
It has taken me six days to deal with it and for most of the week I've been unable to use that email account.
Every time I clicked on 'send and receive' to get one email in came a flood of accompanying excrement.
As far as I'm concerned, bounced emails are as bad as the original spam.
I've had ten thousand (10,000) of them since last Saturday and I'm sick of them.
By all means report spam, track it down if you know how to and by all means, chop the bloody perpetrator's fingers off but don't just blindly bounce the crap back to innocent web users whose email addresses have been cloned. Seems to me there's no difference between them and spam.

My mails are now being filtered at domain level and anything that gets through that is being filtered out by Mailwasher Pro.
Yesterday, only eight out of 1,947 spam messages ended getting through the domain filter and were then promptly filtered out by Mailwasher. I can now use my email again. pages UK

While all that was going on Milt's Page along with every other page with a "" address disappeared off my UK computer screen.
They are still missing this morning.
I assume that the server feeding the pages to the UK has suffered a catastrophic failure. There's no mention of it on the Blogger Status Page but that's nothing new.
I've emailed them and bitched about the problem on this page but to be honest I might as well be piddling into the wind.

I thought that Blueyonder / Virgin Media might be blocking Blogspot addresses but they assure me that they are not.
I know that people using different ISP's in the UK can access the pages and that some Blueyonder users can access them so I am now totally confused.
It isn't a blocking thing, it isn't a template thing because other people can see this page - so what the Hell is it?

Meanwhile outdoors in the pond

date rape

the frogs and toads had their minds on other things.

