Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Conspiracy Theory

Track of the day - Jailhouse Blues - Chris Barber.

male blackcap_jpgFirst the bad news.

I'm posting this blind. I can't open Milt's Page today for some reason. I can get to the control panel to type in my bits but the resulting pages won't display in any of my browsers.
Which is a great pity because I got a mail from the nice people at Blogger saying that as a result of my recent tirade against unencoded ampersands they'd made some changes -
"Thanks for writing in.
Due in large part to your input and feedback, we have reviewed and recently fixed several bugs on the new version of Blogger.
I rushed off to check whether my stuff validates again and found myself staring at an error screen.
At least I could see the page before you guys fixed the ampersands!

Now for the good news.

The spam attack seems to be subsiding.
There were a mere 500 of the boggers pointed at my inbox yesterday, still a pain in the ass but a considerable improvement on Monday's high of 3,247. There's a graph of my weekend inbox traffic here if anyone wants to see it - it is in colour.
I was wrong.
I've been hit by 1,743 returned mails today.

I have a theory that it's all the result of a high level conspiracy, that my computer is being targeted by the British Government, MI5, MI6, the Police, Blogger, Harrods and any other influential agency that I've irritated with my recent utterings and pictures.

The appearance of a male blackcap in the garden yesterday must have been an omen. Judges used to don the 'black cap' before they passed sentence of death on the prisoner in the dock.

