Monday, May 22, 2006

Life Gets Tedious Don't It?

Pensioners' track of the day Life Gets Tedious Don't It - Walter Brennan.

rainIf you want your globals warmed don't visit Bogsville. The central heating is on and frost is forecast for tonight. The current temperature is 11.5C and this has been the seventh consecutive day of rain. All we need now is a hose pipe ban.

The good news is that next door medical man has lousy hammering and nailing skills. He failed miserably in his attempt to entomb the blue tits. They found another hole in his NHS funded roof and were lined up for a Bogsville breakfast of insect packed suet when I got downstairs this morning. Just as well because Mrs B. was threatening to report him to the RSPB. She's like that.

She's also fired off a planning objection to the car wash that's opened up illegally round the corner.

For want of something better to do I ordered a new graphics card. I don't need one but ripping the old one out might keep me busy for half an hour and give me something to complain about.

small green spiderI did nip out in Volvo during a dry spell this morning but I can't remember where I went to. I do remember that I took my camera with me just in case something exciting happened but it obviously didn't because all I have in the camera is a picture of a very small green spider busy doing something or other on a shrub. I remember that because I have the picture. Life gets tedious don't it?

Anyone else remember that damn track?
