Sunday, April 09, 2006

Stuck To The Boiler

Track of the day Calling Dr Jazz - Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis.

magnetsThe magnet experiment on dog's arthritic back legs continues. Yesterday he was stuck to a metal paint tin and this morning he was firmly attached to the central heating boiler. Whether they are doing him any good at all is a moot point.
I'm pleased to report that the magnets sewn onto his collar remain firmly in place.

London Bombings Inquiry

I note that "an official inquiry into the 7 July London bombings will say the attack was planned on a shoestring budget from information on the internet, that there was no 'fifth-bomber' and no direct support from al-Qaeda. According to the report, the attacks were largely motivated by concerns over foreign policy and the perception that it was deliberately anti-Muslim, although the four men were also driven by the promise of immortality".

Now why doesn't any of that surprise me?
