Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Flat Spots

Track of the day Great Balls Of Fire - Jerry Lee Lewis.

turbocojonesBillboards advertising "Turbo-Cojones" in Miami’s Little Havana were taken down after people complained about them. Identical signs were removed in New York and Los Angeles.

I can report that there were no objections to the billboards in Bogsville except from guys who purchased the mean machine and found that their cojones had developed flat spots after only half an hour riding round the block.

There's been a birth in the family.

"How's Mildred's baby then?"
"She's ok. They have to keep her in an incinerator for a few days."
"Probably just to keep her warm eh?"

The most reassuring thing about writing stuff that isn't funny is that you know that nobody is going to laugh at your efforts.
