Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Beckham's Hindi Tattoo

Track of the day Victoria - The Kinks.

beckham_vihctoria_tattooI sit here staring in disbelief at a newspaper picture of the inside of David Beckham's left forearm. I'm wondering if he got it done at the same market stall where Mrs B. got my latest tube of toothpaste. Research tells me that it represents his wife's name written in a beautiful Hindi script. The only problem is that it is spelt incorrectly. The tattoo spells Victoria with an added "h" i.e. Vihctoria.

Pademesh Gupta, editor of Hindi-language magazine Purvai described it as a "silly mistake" and said that anyone who could read Hindi would spot it instantly. He's assuming that the tattoo artist made the mistake. I'm not so sure.

Never mind, could have been worse, it could have read, "I is a complite twaattt".
