Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Very Old Dog Innit?

Track of the day Ants Marching - Dave Matthews Band.

The sun was shining so I marched off outside with Mrs B's laptop. Big mistake. There was a very cold north wind and the laptop flashed up messages about its battery running out of power. The thermometer claimed the outside temperature was 50F but it felt a lot colder than that. Up in the pond a couple of toads had been very active judging by the amount of spawn floating around.

dog bathFirst thing this morning Dog had his third bath in three weeks. The vet suggested one bath a week for a month. Vets have a knack of suggesting things like that. It makes me wonder whether any of them have ever kept a dog. I also wonder whether some of them have any veterinary qualifications at all. Last year Dog had to see a young guy who kept saying "innit" at the end of every sentence.
"You'll need to give him drops in both ears innit?
He's a very old dog innit?
Do you want to settle the bill right now innit?"
I was so busy listening for the next innit that I couldn't remember a single instruction he'd given me. I do remember joining in with a few 'aren't theys' that seemed to throw him a bit. He probably just thought I was thick.
"If there's a problem bring him back to the surgery, innit?"
"You're open until 7:00pm aren't they?"
"Yes but there's usually somebody here until 8:30pm innit?"
"Right I'll make a note of that then, aren't they?"
"Aren't they what?"
"What you just said innit?"
"What was that?"
"That there's usually someone here until 8:30pm innit?"
"That's right innit? I thought you were asking about somewhere else because you said 'aren't they', innit?"
I thought that was about as far as I should go with that so I paid up and took Dog home wasn't she?
