Friday, February 03, 2006

Toothpaste Or Hair Gel

Track of the day Boonville Stomp - Whitehead & Coleman.

I think I may have a problem here.

"I'm going to the market. I'll get you some more toothpaste," she said. "Can you think of anything else that you need?"
I didn't realise that I needed more toothpaste but empty toothpaste tubes just creep up on me from nowhere these days. No, I couldn't think of anything at all. Well that's not strictly true but I couldn't think of anything like toothpaste. About an hour later she was back bearing plastic bags full of this and that from the market.
"Here's your toothpaste," she said and handed me a packet.


I looked at it, looked at her and looked at the packet again.
"What's this?"
"It's toothpaste. It's what you had last time."
"No it isn't what I had last time. The stuff I had last time said toothpaste on the packet. I don't know what this says. It could be shoe polish or oven cleaner for all I know."
"Don't be silly Milt. The man in the market said it was toothpaste. It was a real bargain. It only cost a third of what they charge in the supermarket."
I didn't like to ask which supermarket she was thinking of. So there you go, end of discussion.

I'm posting this picture in the hope that someone will be able to tell me what I'm sticking in my mouth. It isn't oven cleaner because I started using it two days ago and I'm not writing this from a hospital bed. I think it might be hair gel.

Prophet Cartoons Furore

I gather that most of the people who are venting their anger about these cartoons have not actually seen them. The whole series is available here should you wish to see what the furore is all about.
