Sunday, March 26, 2006

Lost & Found

Track of the day Two Princes - Spin Doctors.

lost mobileThe Transport for London Lost Property Office is one of the largest lost property offices in the UK handling more than 130,000 items.
In one year, it can hold 20,846 books including cheque books, credit cards, 19,583 items of clothing, 24,084 handbags and purses and 10,614 mobile phones.

Only 25% of the mobile phones are reunited with their owners, so when my old friend Ranswick Peabody found a mobile phone on the bus the other day, he decided to take direct action to return it to its owner.
Ranswick: "Hello, I just found this phone on the bus, and your number is in the memory under Mum so it must belong to your son or daughter."
Woman on phone: "Oh that's great, it must be Steve's, thanks so much, I'll get him to ring you."
Ranswick: "You're welcome."
One minute later the phone rang.
Ranswick: "Hello?"
Woman on phone: "Steve, they've found your phone!"

Mother's Day

Mrs B. is not a happy mummy. Mother's Day seems to have been overlooked by the boys. Oh well - c'est la vie. My fault for not reminding them.
