Saturday, April 08, 2006

Monster Wind Turbines

Track of the day Queen of Argyll - Silly Wizard.

turbineA map showing avian flu sites? No it's just the windfarm rash that's broken out all over Scotland. I'm glad to see that Scotland is doing its bit to provide alternative energy sources for the rest of Britain to power its iPod generation lifestyle.

Scotland must seem like a pretty empty sort of place if you live anywhere but in Scotland and ideal for monster wind turbines that are as high as twenty five double decker buses stacked one on top of the other. Trouble is that when you look at the map of wind farm developments it looks like there'll soon be nothing in Scotland but wind turbines.

I know that people will say it's a case of "not in my back yard" but there won't be any back yards left in Scotland if the power companies get their way. Some of these turbines are taller than a 30 floor block of flats or the Forth Rail Bridge!

If you feel moved to say "enough is enough" follow the link at the bottom of this page and register your concerns.
