Friday, April 07, 2006

Almost Inseparable

Track of the day Stuck On You - It's Not The Beatles Hoss.

Wind Farm In Argyll

I'm posting a request that was sent to me today.

Please use this link to object to a wind farm on Largie Estate, the sixth in Kintyre and worst ever in Argyll, Scotland. The visual impact on Kintyre, Knapdale and Arran has to be seen to believed!
If you wish to register an objection the letter is here.

Back to the magnets

parcelDog and I've now got magnets stuck everywhere - they're in my ears, my underpants, on dog's legs, his back and round his collar. We are almost inseparable.

Mrs B. has boarded a plane and left us to it. Tomorrow I'm going to have to visit a few blogs to see if I can scrounge some edible food.
