Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Lip Pursin' & Moanin'

Track of the day Moanin' - Art Blakey. (Moanin' requires RealPlayer)

purseThere's a lot of puckerin' and pursin' goin' on round here. Every time I switch on the box, there seems to be a woman puckerin' and pursin' her lips at me. As a result of hours of painstakin' research I have discovered that "females initiate matin' by pursin' up their lips and makin' the moanin' matin' call".

As I say, there's a lot of moanin' and pursin' goin' on around here. I always thought the two were just an unavoidable by-product of marriage. Seems like I'm goin' to have to have a serious rethink.
