Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Six Pairs Of Boxer Shorts

Track of the day You Make Me Wanna - Usher.

fartSmellyvision hasn't reached Bogsville yet, which is probably just as well if this picture is anything to go by. The woman fans her hands while the guy blocks his nostrils.

Years ago I was given this advice by a musician.
"If you hit a bum note son, just look at the guy next to you and kick him in the shin."
That lady looks to be in pain and she could be reaching for her shin.

Anyway, back to reality. Yesterday I girded up my loins, climbed into the car, switched on the GPS and made the short but exciting journey into the vast metropolis. The GPS confirmed the fact that I've been taking the correct route for the past 50+ years. I was so elated that I ignored the red flashing warnings that I was going through a speed camera area at over 30mph. Fact is there's a 40mph limit on the road. Dumb box!

Six pairs of brand new boxer shorts and blue socks later the dumb box returned me to my own driveway.

I meant to trot along to the Hole in the Ground to see what the workmen were digging out of the washroom pipes but I forgot all about it. Must have been carried away by all the excitement.
